Apply to show your vehicle

VEHICLE LOCKDOWN: Sat & Sun 10am-4pm

Think your VW (or VAG) has got what it takes to win a prize? Fill in the form below, upload photos of your vehicle, and we will contact you to let you know if you have been accepted or not. All accepted vehicles need to buy an advance show ticket to enter the show.


8am - 10am : Entry to the Show and Shine
10am - 4pm : Vehicle lockdown
10am - 2pm : Judging takes place
2.30pm : Results announced
3pm : Winner parade in front of the house


- Top 10
- Best Club
- Best in show Air Cooled
- Best in show Water Cooled
- 2nd place
- 3rd place
- Runners up (x7)

Each winner will receive a trophy, a rosette and a Bristol car care detailing pack.


NEW: Saturday Social Club

Something new for the Saturday. We’re bringing our “VWFestival Social Club” home!

 VWF Social Saturday will be showcasing the passion and dedication of Homebuilt, daily driven  cars, and grass roots clubs. Have you ever wanted your car to be gracing the showfield at VWFestival, but wasn’t quite sure if it made the grade? VWF Saturday Social  is for you. Have you spent months even years toiling on your car in a leaking garage? We want to hear about it! If your club is passionate about its members, come and tell everybody. 

VWFestival’s Social Saturday is going to be massive. Register today!

Sponsored by: Bristol Detailing

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For more details click here to visit their website